
Friday, December 10, 2010

We Celebrated Kate


One of my very first thoughts after Kate was born was "this will never be a good day, how am I ever going to want to celebrate this day?" She was only a few hours old and I was already jumping to her first birthday. Well time has a way of healing. While I try to not remember that day as a sad one, it was. It just was for me. I can't go back and change those feelings or the way I remember them or even the ache in my heart when I recall her birth.

But time. Oh it does have a way with sadness & heartache. As with any major life changing event there is a process one must go through to arrive healthy on the other side. If steps are missed, skipped over, pushed down to the deepest corner of your soul then you aren't going to arrive to that "better" place. Everyone's steps are different, some are short, quick strides while others are long and lingering. We are all different and we have to go through OUR process. It can be frustrating when you think you see others arrive there before you. But you can't rush a good thing.

Well I arrived a short while ago. I am in such a better place than I imagined I would be. I do still have sad, painful moments. I do still hate down syndrome. But I love Kate more.

So we celebrated! We celebrated Kate's arrival and first year of life and my arrival too!

This is a note we enclosed with the invitations.


So I had a huge party. I had a party to celebrate a wonderful, beautiful life and to thank all those who helped us welcome Kate when we were not able to do it as well as we would have liked. For all of the support, the kind & encouraging words, prayer, meals, meals, meals (I had meals from November-March), the wonderful gifts. But for most of all loving my girl, my boys and the whole family. I live in a very special community, I am blessed by my friends, by people who have done work for me, by my church.

I invited family (of course), friends, pastors, doctors, nurses, EI therapists all who have touched our lives this past year and helped us get to where we are today. There were over 100 guests at Kate's party (adults only). We celebrated how we are all so much more than alike than different.

She loves to show everyone how old she is. Needless to say we have overdone the "how old are you Kate?"





At one year old Kate is clapping, waving hi & bye, has two signs "more" and "all done", can identify the color red, she points, she points out the sun in a certain book. She can point to my nose and my eyes, she can show me her belly and toes. She is self feeding, drinks from a straw, eats table food & drinks whole milk, babbles, says dada (a lot, no mama), hi, bye & that (which sounds like dhat). If I ask her "where is Daddy?" she looks for him. She is crawling, standing (not independently). She doesn't like to be told NO. I know there is plenty she can't do but I choose to focus on what she is doing....

She is a BIG girl. Weighing in at 25 lbs and 31 inches tall! These stats put her at the 95th percentile on a typical chart.




Have I said lately how I love this girl and she loves me......



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate - I wish I would have thought to celebrate Vaughan and all the wonderful people in our lives on his First Birthday! I can only imagine how special that day was for all Kate's supporters to be a part of. You are such a special person and I love how candid you have been about your "Kate" journey! There are so many blogs out there to read about Down Syndrome - but for some reason I check yours the most often! I guess it has to do with having all boys myself and how I think you are prized to have finally had the girl in your house. Please keep "talking" I seem to learn so much from you and your mama loving ways!

Okay, Kate is SMART!! I am super impressed with her receptive language and abilities at 12 months!! Way to go, Kate!! She is also growing like a weed and that is a feat in itself over here! Vaughan is a mere 20 pounds at 20 months and eats like crazy - I swear people think I don't feed him!! Also, I forgot to update you on our walking - it has happened! He finally put it all together at 19 and a half months. It is crazy to see this little 20 lb. critter cruising around my house , but we are super excited!
Birthday Blessings to your sweet Kate and thanks to you for being an inspiration to me!


Callie said...

Vaughan is walking!! That is so awesome. What a great milestone to meet so early. He has to keep up with his brothers:) They are going to be such motivators for him.

I worry because Kate has so much "mass" and "length" to control and move around walking will be challenging for her. She has always been bigger and has done well so far...I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for your sweet words. Kate's party was very healing and gave me a sense of closure. I have often thought about pulling in the drive and seeing two pitiful balloons and a little sign the boys made (which I know they were so excited to make but I am sure took every ounce of strength for my hubby to help them make). Crying. Thinking to myself they don't know what they are getting, this is not the sister/daughter I thought they/I were getting. They could not come to the hospital to see her b/c of the swine flu scare. Which obviously turned out to be a blessing (I was a mess). So this was there first encounter.

But they did know and they were right, they were getting something very special. They welcomed her through their perfect eyes. I longed for that feeling and that night I felt it.

JC said...

I just stumbled across your blog tonight...Kate is beautiful! As I read this post, and the one before, I cried. You described exactly what I was feeling on my sons first birthday. He turned one on November 29th. Its hard to have such painful memories of that day mixed in with the celebrating of your childs birthday...But on his 1st birthday I felt I got closure...I felt I was finally able to move past it all. It was just really nice to read someone else had felt the same things I did.
You have a beautiful little girl, and some very handsome little men :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Callie. Your daughter is SO adorable. I LOVE the pictures and her happy smiles. I love the kisses and I love the love. It is very big and it melts my heart : )

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you left me a comment on my blog! Yes, we love our little Ikea stool. We don't Ikea where I live so I had to have my aunt get one and mail it to me, but it was worth it.

We pretty much live in the middle of nowhere, so we travel for a lot of therapy. It's about a 2 hour drive to our SLP so we only go every 4-6 weeks. Now that Claire is drinking from a straw I need to get her in for another appt.

Kate is beautiful and I can't wait to follow along with her (and you!).

Patti said...

Okay- what is your magic therapy?? This girl does "one", stands, etc?? She is amazing!! Lily's therapist says her size has a lot to do with her muscle tone/strength, etc. (She's only 12 pounds and next month she turns a year.) Still- Kate is a rockstar!!

ParkerMama said...

You are so very blessed.

Tammy and Parker

Penny said...

Just found your blog through Our Unexpected Journey. LOVE Kate's one year pictures~ she is beautiful! I teach Kindergarten at a public school and envy the special education teachers because they get to spend their whole day with sweethearts like yours. They truly are the sweetests souls! Enjoy her and you are very blessed~ my husband and I have SIX girls and never did get that boy. God, however, always gives us EXACTLY what/who we need. :)