
Monday, February 28, 2011

Show and Tell

My son Will is in kindergarten. All year he has anticipated the day he would finally have his turn for show and tell. Without any hesitation, with the biggest, proudest smile on his darling face he announced he wanted to "share" Kate. So I called his teacher and with blessed permission Will showed off his perfect, beautiful baby sister to his class.


She was a hit. He proudly told the class her name, how old she was, how many teeth she had and Kate showed off a few of her standard tricks. She showed how old she was, stood on command and one short game of peek-a-boo.


Then like the pro of a big brother that he is he fielded an array of questions from his classmates. All the while he had THE biggest, happiest smile on his face. He just loves her so.....and in those moments I know something good has come of this, some piece of my boys' hearts flexes and grows in ways that only she can strengthen.



JC said...

Such a sweet post!

cathy said...

simply beautiful---on so very many levels


Melissa said...

I love this post!! And all the pictures. I love the one of Kate in the middle of all of the kids. And I love your sons heart. He seems like a great kid, and I'm sure that growing up with Kate will teach him so much.

Anonymous said...

So excited to hear from you again! Kate is precious and there has to be something so fantastic about seeing your boy's adoration for that little sister. Both my big boys BEG us for a baby sister almost once a week so I can only dream of precious it would be! My oldest took Vaughan last year for show and tell and I could not see the doors to his classroom for the joyful and prideful tears in my eyes. Hope all is well and your days are getting brighter!

patsy said...

you must be one proud momma, so sweet :)

Bethany said...

Hey Callie ... saw all your questions about inclusion on my blog. I can't respond to you bc your email doesn't appear when you comment, but are you on fb? I just started an inclusion group on fb and I think a lot of your questions may be answered there. :) I linked to it in my new blog post.

Megan said...

I came to your blog from Kelle Hampton and just wanted to say hi!

Your kiddos are beautiful! I think it's SO sweet that your son wanted to show off his little sister...love that sibling love :)