
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We Believe~still

I walked into Cameron's room the other day and saw this.....
He prepared it for what was surely to come after he went to bed later that evening. It just made me smile, huge. I love the fact that he is 10 and still believes in the Tooth Fairy.



Then over the weekend we took the boys to IU our alma mater. We had the best day. The boys had so much fun walking around campus and at the game. What can I say, all the memories came flooding back like it was yesterday. And when I think back to the interviews, the essays written, when they all asked where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years.....I was close. Only it turned out so much better. We can't always predict the future or steer it the way we want, sometimes the things you would NEVER choose let alone predict happen. The measure of our fortitude is how we react to the circumstance. I can say with the utmost Jerry and my commitment has never wavered and the way my boys love only shows we've done something right. I can't predict the next 5 or 10 years nor do I want to. I am going to let Kate and the boys show me the way with their unbridled and unbiased passion. I just know it is going to be good.




Here a just a few quick pics of Kate and how she is growing!





1 comment:

Patti said...

I love the way you dress her!! She is pudge-alicious!!