
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Kate and I had grand plans today. My goal is to have a maintainable yard, which means lots of stuff that stays green all year round, some ground cover and as little area to mulch as possible. But it still has to look great as "if" I tend to it on a regular basis. I digress, we needed to pot the two pots in the front. Sounds reasonable......

Kate was a big help, she kept me company and I couldn't help but think I like this-me and her-together. I gonna like this.




On a different note, Kate ate green beans for the first time......I can't say she liked them.

But she recovered.

A good work has begun in me. I didn't ask for this, I certainly didn't want this but I am beginning to feel it and it's because of Kate.

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