
Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas That Came and Went

Where does the time go? I cannot believe the rate it is clipping by at this point in my life. It seems like yesterday the school year was starting and we were looking forward to fall, football games and jeans. Now we are saying goodbye to another year. Another year, my littles are only getting bigger, Cameron is 10 and is inching closer to the end of his time with us than the beginning. It's so cliche but it is going by SO fast.

I want to freeze time, I love all the ages of my children right now. Granted I cover a wide rage with five kids and all but who doesn't love 1- and all of the personality that it is revealing, 4- the curious mind of a sweet child, 6- how inquisitive and excited to learn, 8- the ultimate boy age when all is good with a football jersey and matchbox cars and 10- the wonder years.

Miss Kate caught in the act. I was dying laughing. She was trying to get in the gifts under the tree and I told her "no" and this is what she does. It makes me laugh so hard..... she does not like being told no.

She recovered nicely.

A little montage of Christmas Eve. I love Christmas Eve and all the excitement and promise of the next day. I love how at our church we all gather for candle lit service (check it here http://www.mariemontchurch.org/mccj/mcc-history) at our chapel. Which was shipped over from England in pieces back in the 1920's. Not to mention we were married in this chapel. I live in a village called Mariemont and it was one of the first "planned community" in the United States. It is truly a special, special place.

Anyway I digress. After "Santa" came and the big elves got to bed about 1:30 I was awaken to my stomach. Tossing and Turning. Yes that awful feeling of the stomach flu. I was miserable and sick as a dog all of Christmas but the kids had a blast and according to them the best Christmas ever! It did give me the slightest pleasure hearing the beautiful white noise, you know after all of the gifts are opened and each child is neatly stacking their piles and deciding which toy to play with, they all want Daddy to open "this", put batteries into "that".........

Hence no pictures of the actual Christmas experience that makes me sad. Daddy did manage to shoot some video but no photos.


Check out this view! I am not talking about our back yard either, although Kate is taking great pleasure in looking out at it. Her little, chunky monkey body cracks me up. Look at her legs. In all seriousness it scares me a little, I am hoping since she is becoming more and more active she will you know slim down, tone up. Whatever, this is actually exactly like boy 1 and boy 3-who she favors all the way around.

It is beginning to seem more like normal now that she is roaming around and wants to be everywhere I am. This is going to be a fun stage, I am looking forward to it, I am up for the challenge and can't wait to see what this year holds.


Patti said...

oooohh, i love her chubby little legs! wish Lils would get some more chubbs!

JC said...

This Christmas it really hit me too, just how fast my kids are growing up...Its exciting seeing them grow and change, but at the same time a little sad.
Oh, and little Kate is adorable, I love her chubbiness!!

Keri Jo said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Patti. I love your blog and your photography skills are fantastic. Your baby is a DOLL! She is so cute under the tree. I have 6 kids, so we both have large families :)

Melissa said...

I love the chubby legs, and everyone looks beautiful all dressed up for Christmas!

patsy said...

kate is such a cutie!! my maggie was a chunky one until she quit nursing a few months ago, oh how i miss her chunky little thighs ;) give kate's a squeeze for me! and i love the note you sent out for her first b-day...just perfect :)


patsy said...

hey callie...we live just about 45 minutes southeast of nashville. are you all near nashville?

patsy said...

i have heard about the conference but have not been yet but am hoping to go this spring. i can let you know more when i find out more....and the ds clinic at vanderbilt's children is wonderful! we have been there 2 times to talk w/therapists, have blood drawn for thyroid issues etc. and that is also where we see miss maggie's heart dr and ent. she got tubes in her ears at 11 months and since she has slept so much better and will probably do tonsils eventually. i have some pics of the dsa Christmas party at vanderbilt a few posts back, it is a very child-friendly enviroment and everyone is so nice!

Patti said...

I'm putting together a slideshow and would love to put a picture of Kate in it...if you are willing, email me? Thank you!